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Performance and availability

Monitoring the APIs of the Swedish Public Employment Service ( Arbetsförmedlingen) for optimal availability

We measure and monitor the open APIs of the Swedish Public Employment Service to ensure the highest possible availability and performance for the users. This includes monitoring technical availability, the number of connected clients and the total number of requests to ensure the optimal functioning of our systems.

Data Resources from the Swedish Public Employment Service

Data resources Number New this month
APIs N/A 0

Utilization of the Swedish Public Employment Service's Data Resources

Utilization Yesterday Last month*
Clients N/A N/A*
Requests N/A Million N/A Million*
* Average/day

Get Inspired


Jobnet Wants to Be a Natural Destination for Job Seekers


APIs and open data have assisted to establish a robust framework for occupational titles that accurately reflects the labour market

The Job Security Council

TRR’s Clients Benefit from JobTech's APIs


JobTech’s job advertisement data offers valuable insights into both current and historical demand for professional roles and skills in the Swedish job market.

Pharus Tech

Pharus Tech Assists Companies and Individuals to Navigate on the Labour Market Expanded Its Range of Services

Layke Analytics

An AI Solution for Intelligent Screening of CVs


Employchain Makes Labour Market Digital
