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Don't miss the E-legdagarna Conference at Stockholmsmässan on October 16th-17th!

Meet some of the speakers:

  • Jannike Tillå from the Internet Foundation
    "Swedes and the Internet: Insights from the Internet Foundation's Annual Report"
  • Mikko Pitkänen from the Finnish Digital Agency
    "Towards the Finnish EUDI wallet"
  • Carl Heath, RISE
    "Is That You Calling? A reflection on AI, Biometrics, and Identity"

During the conference, you can learn about:

  • "Digital regulations in collaboration: eIDAS and SDG: Challenges and Opportunities"
    Karolin Kühn and Sarah Amandusson, Agency for Digital Government (Digg)
  • "The Latest News on Trusted Services"
    Anna Amundberg and Emma Wirf, The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS)
  • "National Infrastructure for Identity"
    Azize Cuydur, The Swedish Social Insurance Agency and Tobias Wijk, The Swedish Tax Agency

For registration and more information in Swedish.

2024-10-16 10:00 - 2024-10-17 17:00