The French EU Presidency outlines strong digital priorities, highlighting digital sovereignty, which strengthens Europe's capabilities in the digital world economy. The French government considers transparency and openness as key factors to build trust in public institutions in the 21st century. Therefore, the country priorities open-source software in public sector, interoperability, and sharing of digital tools and data. EU works actively to support citizens in their role as data providers. The EU Commission targets 80% of citizens to use digital ID solution by 2030 as part of the Digital Decade roadmap. On a national level, the Swedish government is proposing a new legislation, related to open data and sharing of open data in public sector.
The Trio turns its attention to advancing the European Green Deal and the EU’s digital decade agenda. In relation to the EU Member States’ competitiveness and innovation abilities, are addressed key questions such as cybersecurity, European electronic identity, labour market policies, fostering a culture of lifelong learning, as well as improving access to sharing, pooling and re-use of data. In relation to EU’s harmonised standards, the Swedish government has proposed a new legislation about open data and sharing of open data in public sector (in Swedish: Den offentliga sektorns tillgängliggörande av data). It is expected to come into force in August 2022, given the fact that the requirements about information security and protection of personal data can be met and that it does not involve risks for Sweden's security. The law follows Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information.
The three Presidencies will contribute to the design of an EU industrial policy fit for the future, taking into account the Commission’s updated industrial strategy, and steering efforts towards supporting the green and digital transitions. In addition, they will take work forward on the Commission’s proposal on the Digital Services package (the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA)) to reinforce a single market for digital services and to ensure a safer online space and fairer online markets.
In a joint program, the three Presidencies identify areas for strong collaboration, such as:
The French EU Presidency begins the 18-month period by paying attention to key digitalization questions in its program. The French government has announced that it will use the Presidency to create a stronger and more independent Europe.
The Presidency focuses on the digital sovereignty, which will strengthen Europe's capabilities in the digital world economy. France will continue to encourage potential synergy between higher education, research, innovation, and services to society to contribute to the EU’s recovery.
Some of the priorities are:
During the European Ministerial Meeting in Strasbourg, ministers declare their intention to promote open source software within public administrations and their sharing as well as to strengthen the interoperability and sharing of digital tools and data between Member States’ administrations, among others. More details are enclosed in the Strasbourg Declaration, adopted on March 17th, 2022.
Sweden has a strategic opportunity to pursue and raise awareness of important digital policies, which will shape our common future. Through various pilot projects, Sweden can contribute to common EU standards in the area, as well as share good praxis, which can lead to a greater social impact for approximately 447.7 million EU citizens.
JobTech Development is working actively with several projects, which are in line with the EU Digital Agenda. The pilots contribute to the development of a cohesive data infrastructure with focus on data portability, concept recognition (semantics) and personal data, where lifelong learning lies at the heart of it. The purpose is to enable digital transformation and to contribute to a more inclusive, skills-based and data-driven labour and education market.