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05 February 2025

Highlights of the EU Trio's Priorities with a Focus on Digitalisation, Lifelong Learning, and Career Transition

From July 1st, 2023, the EU Trio, representing the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union, assumes its duties for the next 18 months. The current trio is made up of the presidencies of Spain, Belgium and Hungary. Each of the countries in the Trio prepares its own more detailed 6-month program, but they set as well long-term goals in a common agenda during the mandate period.

  • The Digital Services Act. The trio will work to strengthen the rights and protection of consumers, encouraging changes in consumption habits towards patterns that are more sustainable for the planet. The trio will undertake a reflection process on the future of a sectoral EU framework for e-commerce that complements the recent Digital Services Act.
  • Research and Innovation. The trio will prioritise EU research and innovation cooperation with a view to addressing key challenges for the EU with the help of research and innovation.
  • Digital Inclusiveness. The trio will take work forward on the digital transformation while making sure to leave no one behind (digital inclusiveness) and ensuring the trustworthiness of and a human rights-based approach to artificial intelligence and new technologies.
  • Connectivity. The trio will take work forward on a digital euro and access to financial data, and make progress on delivering on the 2030 Digital Decade targets, including fostering gigabit connectivity and the implementation of 5G and 6G.
  • Lifelong learning, Re-skilling and Up-skilling. The trio will make provision for strengthening lifelong learning opportunities, making education and training – including digital education and training – inclusive and accessible to all. Particular attention will be paid to re-skilling and up-skilling opportunities for European citizens to prepare them to cope with future transformations in society, the economy and the labour market. The trio will continue to further develop digital education and training.
  • Fair Labour Mobility in the EU. Special attention will be paid to exploring ways to address the demographic challenge the EU is facing. The trio will focus on strengthening fair labour mobility in the Union, access to social protection and to the protection of workers, and on ensuring health and safety, inclusiveness and non-discrimination at work.
  • Inclusion, Mental Health at Work. The trio will pay particular attention to stress and burn-out at work, in line with the new Commission initiative on mental health. The trio will support inclusion, in particular by facilitating the integration of those categories that are most vulnerable or at risk of exclusion.

EU Trio’s Priorities

Enclosed, you may read the EU Trio’s priorities.