During its third presidency, Sweden has led negotiations and reached agreements on various fronts, including a new migration policy and strengthened cooperation to combat cross-border crime. Moreover, Sweden has achieved results in areas such as:
In addition to that, Sweden has made significant progress in negotiations in the digital area, particularly concerning data governance and data sharing by:
In the area of digitalisation, Sweden has made efforts and preparations on a national level regarding the Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030, which could potentially lead to the development of a new Swedish Digitalisation Strategy.
Highlights of key results:
During its presidency, Sweden has continued working at the national level as part of the joint efforts in line with the European Union’s goals and strategies.
The EU aims to establish a secure and dynamic data economy. To accomplish this, it requires well-defined, transparent, and fair regulations for data access and reuse, common standards, standardized tools and infrastructures, harmonized and compatible EU-wide data spaces, and the establishment of conditions that empower users to maintain full control over their data.
"By implementing various measures outlined in the EU's Data Strategy, greater access to data for use in the economy and society is ensured, while data generators maintain control. The European Data Governance Act represents the first implementation of a regulation stemming from the EU's Data Strategy. Important legal precedents for the Data Governance Act are the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Open Data Directive."
Here, you can read more about the implementation of the EU Data Governance Regulation in Sweden (in Swedish), including how EU legislation in the area of digitalisation is harmonized with national legislation through:
The new EU Presidency Trio - Spain, Belgium, and Hungary – remains dedicated to driving the green and digital transition forward. A primary focus lies in promoting research and innovation, ensuring digital inclusion, fostering fair labour mobility and inclusion across the EU. Spain is assuming first the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, putting a great importance on ethical and inclusive digitalisation and aiming at reaching an agreement on the AI Act.
Here, you may read more about the Trio's new program and priorities.
The pilots contribute to the development of a cohesive data infrastructure with focus on data portability, concept recognition (semantics) and personal data, where lifelong learning lies at the heart of it. The goal is to enable digital transformation and to contribute to a more inclusive, skills-based and data-driven labour and education market.