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09 June 2023

Good Job Match in the Labour Market - A New Report

As long as there has been an active labour market policy, there has also consistently been a discourse surrounding the extent to which individual’s job preferences can be taken into practical consideration, as in support to find any job versus support to find the right job. A corresponding reasoning can be applied from the employers' perspective in relation to finding an employee versus finding the right employee, although it is less common to formulate it in that way. The intention is that the report can be used as a foundation for discussions in the development of AI or other digital services, where topics related to skills supply and lifelong learning need to be addressed.

This report focuses on providing a balanced picture by presenting a comprehensive compilation of diverse perspectives on the concept of a good job match in the labour market. It further describes the indicators and assessment criteria commonly used within each perspective when evaluating or applying its theories into practice.

The diverse perspectives presented in the report are: economics, person-centered labour market, work psychology, and ethics. While these perspectives offer a certain breadth of insights, it is important to note that the report does not assert comprehensive coverage of all relevant perspectives. Therefore, in the conclusion part, there is a link to a discussion forum that specifically addresses some of the perspectives not covered in the report. It includes workshop material as well designed to further enhance and facilitate the dialogue and discussion that the report aims to foster.

Although labour market matching is not inherently intertwined with lifelong learning, it becomes a core aspect to consider once lifelong learning meets the labor market's need and demand for skills supply. In order to fulfill the requirements of lifelong learning and to facilitate career transitions, it is necessary to utilize the potential of digitalization in new innovative ways to achieve more efficient matching, guidance, and validation processes. The intention is that the report can be used as a foundation for discussions in the development of AI or other digital services, where topics related to skills supply and lifelong learning need to be addressed.

The report is part of the Swedish Public Employment Service's contribution to the government assignment of developing a coherent data infrastructure for skills supply and lifelong learning (N2021/01915). The report is a result of the insights gained by the Swedish Public Employment Service in the regulatory letter assignment "Digital infrastructure for lifelong learning - the government's collaboration program 2019-2022" (AF-2021/0025 9083).

More Information about the Report

The report in Swedish is available here. (.pdf)

We have prepared a workshop that is specifically designed to be easily conducted and provides participants with the opportunity to reflect on information and development related to job matching. Download the workshop material in Swedish here.(.pptx)

Here you have the opportunity to comment, discuss, and reflect in relation to the report "Good Job Match in the Labour market."